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Manual setup

The following steps will guide you through the setup of the template project. If you want a faster alternative, you can use the Makefile to automate the setup process. However, following the instructions below will give you a better understanding of the project structure.


  • Python >=3.11
  • Node.js - in case you want to run Browser library tests
  • Visual Studio Code or any other code editor
  • account

Environment setup

Set API key

Before running the visual test, set up your API key as an environment variable named WOPEE_API_KEY. You may set it from the command line like this:

export WOPEE_API_KEY=your-api-key
set WOPEE_API_KEY=your-api-key

Set .env file params

Template repository comes with sample environment file. You can easily reuse it and set your own .env file. To do so copy or rename .env.example file into .env.

All parameters are already set in .env.example file. You need to set only WOPEE_PROJECT_UUID parameter.

Where to find project UUID and API key?

You can find your project UUID and API key in the project settings screen after navigating to project.

Project UUID

Get template project

Clone repository using VS Code palette option (Ctrl + Shift + P): or by running:

git clone


You can save your time by using Makefile to automate the setup process and run tests easier. Check out our Set up with Makefile documentation for more details.

Create and activate virtual environment

This step is optional but recommended:

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies

Install all dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


We are using GitHub repository to store our python package. Make sure your requirements.txt file refer to the latest version of the package. You can find our Robot Framework releases here.


If you want to run Browser library tests you need to install additional dependencies:

rfbrowser init

Run tests

To run it with library approach, execute the following command:

Run for any picture comparison

robot tests/selenium_agnostic.robot

Run with Selenium library

export WOPEE_DRIVER_LIBRARY=SeleniumLibrary && \
robot tests/selenium_standalone.robot

Run with Browser library

export WOPEE_DRIVER_LIBRARY=BrowserLibrary && \
robot tests/browser_standalone.robot

To run it with listener approach, execute the following command:

Running listener with Selenium library

export WOPEE_DRIVER_LIBRARY=SeleniumLibrary && \
robot --listener 'wopee_rf.Listener:--dot_env_path:.env' tests/selenium_listener.robot

Running listener with Browser library

export WOPEE_DRIVER_LIBRARY=BrowserLibrary && \
robot --listener 'wopee_rf.Listener:--dot_env_path:.env' tests/browser_listener.robot


When you are using only one of the libraries, you can set WOPEE_DRIVER_LIBRARY in your .env file however make sure you are not overwriting. Following commands might be also handy:

echo $WOPEE_DRIVER_LIBRARY # make sure it is not set otherwise it will overwrite your settings from .env file
unset WOPEE_DRIVER_LIBRARY # you can unset it if you want to use settings from .env file