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🤖 Self-driving bot

1. Login to Wopee Commander

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the GitHub or GitLab or Google login button.
  3. Use your existing GitHub or GitLab or Google account and confirm the access.

Login screen

2. Create a project

  1. Click the NEW PROJECT button in the top right corner.
  2. Enter the URL of your app.
  3. Confirm by clicking START ANALYSING.

Create new project


To handle login or accept cookies before testing, configure it in Project Settings using the Before method.

3. Run tests

  1. After finishing the first analysis you`ll be presented with the results - generated test scenarios.
  2. Then just click the START TESTING button.

Running tests

This button can be disabled when some tests are curently running.

4. Check the results

  1. Visual difference is highlighted if it was identified comapring current state (on the left) and the baseline - previously approved state (on the right).

Comparison screen

5. Approve current state

You can 👍 Approve or 👎 Reject current state of the tested application if Test Step Status is:

  • New - no previous state was approved (for this test step)
  • Unresolved - previous state was already approved but current state is different (for this test step)